The University Registrar

Dr. Baboucarr Njie, B.A, M.A, Ph.D


From his experience as the former Director of Planning and Quality Assurance and Deputy Registrar (Academics) of the University of the Gambia, he has since been rooted in Implementation of Institutional Academic Policy and University’s Regulatory Framework. Dr. Njie is credited with realigning the Administration of the University to meet International Standards. He has Extensive Management Experience within the Administrative Machinery of a Tertiary Academic Institution. Dr. Njie is credited with the Development and Implementation of the Institutional Academic Policy and the University’s Academic Regulatory Framework.



The University Registrar.


  • Ph.D., Educational Administration, University of Putra (UPM), Malaysia.
  • Master of Arts, Public Sector Management (MPSM), GIMPA, Ghana
  • Bachelor of Arts in English, Saint Marys University, Canada
  • Higher Teachers Certificate(HTC) Gambia College, Gambia


Higher education Administration: Quality Assurance Implementation and Challenges in Higher Education; School Management; Research Methods.


Pioneered the setting up of many Administration support units of the University of the Gambia notably the Faculty of Education, the Personnel Unit:.  Successfully co-ordinated and implemented the National Mini-University Project that oriented and mentioned hundreds of High School students to the benefit and expectation of  university education in the Gambia.


Njie. B., Asimiran, S., & Baki, R. (2012). Perceptions of International Students on Service Quality Delivery in a Malaysian Public University. Quality Assurance in Education, 20(2), 153-163.

Njie. B., Asimiran, S. (2016). A Construal of the Understanding Level of Quality Assurance by Internal Stakeholders in two Malaysian universities. Qualitative Research in Education, 5(2), 112-135.

Njie. B., Asimiran, S., &Basri, R. (2013). An Exploratory Study of Free Riding Debacle in a Malaysian University: Student’s perspective. The Asia-Pacific Education Research, 22(3), 257-262.

Njie. B., Asimiran, S. (2014). Case Study as a Choice in Qualitative Methodology. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 4(3), 35-40.

Njie, B. (2011). School Safety and Responsibility in Developed Countries and Implications to Related Iissues in the Gambia. European Journal of Educational Studies, 3, (10), 135-141

Ghadi, I. N., Bakar, K. A., & Njie, B. (2015). Influence of Critical Thinking Dispositions on Critical Thinking Skills of Undergraduate Students at a Malaysian Public University. Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, 3(2), 23-31.

Njie, B., Asimiran, S. B., Basri, R. B., & Kadir, S.B.A. (2014). Historical Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance in Southeast Asia. International Journal of Management in Education, 9(1), 31-46.

Asimiran, S.Njie, B. (2012). GovernmentSchool and its Contribution to School Development in Book: Educational Leadership & Performance Improvement Chapter 10.


+233 (0) 263374668, +233 (302) 717707
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