What is the program about?
The Maxsurf I (Basic) is designed to introduce new users to features of Maxsurf modeler as well as train users in the design of ships. This course will cover user interface, opening of a file, adding and viewing surfaces, manipulating surfaces, sitting up of frame of reference, adding of sections, buttons and waterlines, calculating areas, trimming, sitting of waterlines, decks, frames, calculating hydrostatics and modeling of a ship and many others.
At the end of the course the participants will be able:
The course covers the following modules:
This course is ideal for students studying Marine Engineering, Nautical Science or Naval architecture. It is also serves as the starting point for persons who wish to develop careers in ship design.
The course covers a duration of five (5) Days excluding national holidays. The class will begin with a minimum of five people exhausting 4 hours per day.
The course fee for the duration is $350 or GHS equivalent which covers course materials, tuition, student registration, assessments and examinations, practicals, etc.
What is the program about?
The Maxsurf II is designed to equip trainees with the skills for carrying out hull stiffening and reinforcements. Applicants of this program will be able to analyze ship stability and estimate resistance and seakeeping characteristics.
At the end of the course the participants will be able:
The course covers the following modules:
Persons who have successfully completed training in Maxsurf I.
The course covers a duration of five (5) Days excluding national holidays. The class will begin with a minimum of five people exhausting 4 hours per day.
The course fee for the duration is $350 or GHS equivalent which covers course materials, tuition, student registration, assessments and examinations, practical, etc.
What is the program about?
The Ship design and maintenance introduces candidates to the basic techniques and tools required to enable proficiency in design. This includes: Methods of designing; Preliminary design; Estimation of dimensions, weights and volumes; Cost estimation project.
At the end of the course the participants will be able:
The course covers the following modules:
Practicing naval architects, marine engineers, shipyard workers, ship designers and students who wish to develop their careers further in ship design and production.
The course fee for the duration is $350 or GHS equivalent which covers course materials, tuition, student registration, assessments and examinations, practical, etc.
The course covers a duration of five (5) Days excluding national holidays. The class will begin with a minimum of five people exhausting 4 hours per day.
What is the program about?
P&ID introduces candidates to the techniques to understand or identify symbols and function labels commonly found on P&IDS. This program will describe system and components as related to P&ID. Candidates of this program will be able to trace process stream flow and control loop functions between several P&IDs.
At the end of the course the participants will be able:
The course covers the following modules:
Seafarers, Technicians, Mechanical engineers, Electrical engineers, Plant Operators, all engineering Students, and others who want to review or learn how to read Piping and Instrumentation Drawings (P & IDs). Workers in the process and power plant industries are eligible to apply.
The course fee for the duration is $60 or GHS equivalent which covers course materials, tuition, student registration, assessments and examinations, practical, etc.
The course covers a duration of five (5) Days excluding national holidays. The class will begin with a minimum of five people exhausting 4 hours per day.
Lectures for all the short courses will be held on the campus of the Regional Maritime University.
The Programme is facilitated by experienced Instructors of the Marine Engineering Department, RMU.
The mode of course delivery will be on a full-time basis. Training would be held from 9am-1pm, and vary according to times for assessment, examinations and practical as stipulated in the course time-table.
Tel: +233(0)302719390 |+233(0)246489836| +233(0)205003366
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]
NOTE: RMU Students are entitled to a rebate of 50% for all the programmes.
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[email protected]
Regional Maritime University
Nungua, P.O. GP 1115
Accra, Ghana
Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 4:00P.M.
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