RMU Journal

The RMU Journal is an internationally peer-reviewed journal.

The Journal addresses topics relating to maritime affairs, including:

  • Maritime administration
  • Maritime environmental and ocean management
  • Port and shipping administration
  • Maritime transport and logistics 
  • Maritime safety and security
  • Maritime education and training  and
  • Organisational, sociological, economic etc. issues relating to the maritime industry

Academic papers are invited from interested parties in academia and industry.

Guidelines for authors and submission details are available on the University’s website www.rmu.edu.gh

or on request from [email protected]

Staff Publications

The following are research output at RMU by departments/units:


Jaw, G. (2012). Using cold battery with icy water as an alternative method of air conditioning in a ship.  Regional Maritime University Journal, Vol. 2/2012, p.83

Jaw, G. (2011). Educational strategies needed in Africa to meet the millennium development goals. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review. P. 396

Jaw, G. (2005). Détermination de la température intérieure d’un bâtiment de type F3. (Determination of the Internal Temperatures of an F3 type of Building.) Journal des Sciences pour l’Ingénieur (JSPI). No. 5/2005, p.46

Jaw, G. (2005). Réalisation d’un programme de simulation du comportement thermique d’un bâtiment a usage d’habitation. (Realization of a Simulation Programme of the Thermal Behaviour of a Building used for dwelling purposes.) Journal de la Faculté des Sciences de l’université de Lomé. Series E7(1). p. 39

Jaw, G. (2012). Characterisation of a cold battery with icy water and double heat exchanger in a humid mode. Journal of Information Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2 No.9, p. 12.

Jaw, G. (2014). Effect of air flow velocity on the drying parameters of food products in Sub- Saharan Africa. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, Vol. No. 3, Issue No. 11, p. 1336

Jaw, G. (2015). Determination of the operating point and the enthalpy per unit surface of a cold battery with icy water and a double heat exchanger. International Journal of Engineering Research. Vol. No. 4, Issue No. 11, p. 592

Jaw, G. (2015). Determination of the Global Heat Transfer Coefficient of a Double Heat Exchanger Battery in a Dry Mode. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology. Vol. 4, Issue No.12,  p. 545

Owusu-Nyarko, I. (2015) Closed-loop tension control system for injection moulding machine. Regional Maritime University Journal, Vol. 4/2015, p. 3

Nartey, E. (2015). Information sharing of vessel traffic service (VTS) and maritime surveillance. Regional Maritime University Journal, Vol. 4/2015, p. 52 


Nyemah, R. G. M. (2015). The socio-economic impact of the Accra-Kumasi Highway bypass on the effect communities: A case study of Nsawam. Journal of Applied Thought, Volume 4 May 2015, p. 208

Nyemah, R. G. M. (2013). An investigation into the handling and storage of dangerous goods at ports of entry: A case study of the port of Tema. Regional Maritime University Journal, Vol. 3/2013, p.64

Nyemah, R. G. M. (2012). Examination of Ghana’s oil sector: Need for a new paradigm of oil revenue management for social and economic development. Regional Maritime University Journal Volume 2/2012, P.63

Nyemah, R. G. M. (2011). Economics of oil discovery in West Africa: The Nigerian experience. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 1/2011, P.43

Nyemah, R. G. M. (2011). Are the millennium development goals priority approach for Africa’s economic development? Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review. P. 391


Amanhyia, W. (2013). Addressing shipboard cultural diversity: A paradigm shift required to effectively improve shipboard performance. Regional Maritime University Journal, Vol. 3/2013, p.51

Amanhyia, W. (2011). Developing a regional partnership for economic development in the ECOWAS subregion through freight forwarding activities. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review. P. 692

Tifuh, A. N. (2013). An investigation into the handling and storage of dangerous goods at ports of entry: A case study of the port of Tema. Regional Maritime University Journal, Vol. 3/2013, p.64


Aryee, J. (2011). Analysis of the role of port labour system and reforms on the competitiveness of West Africa.  Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 1/2011, p.24

VanDyck, G. K. (2012). The evolution and future direction of supply chain management. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 2/2012, p.6

Ankoma-Sey, F. (2014). Public perception about women pursuing the seafaring career: A case of Ghana. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education Journals. Journal   on Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 4, No. 1

Ankoma-Sey, F. (2014). Future orientation of marketing management for sustainable national development: A case of Ghana’s Tema Port. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education Journals. Journal on Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, No. 16.

Ankoma-Sey, F. (2015). The Socio – Economic Potential of Railway Services from Tema Port on Indigenous Ghanaian Road Haulage’. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education Journals. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development,

Vol.6, No.2.

Ankoma-Sey, F. (2015). An Impact Assessment of Maritime Ports on Communities: A case of Tema Port and Tema Newtown, Ghana. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education Journals. Journal on Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.5, No.8.

Ankoma-Sey, F. (2015). The Green Evolution of Ghana’s Maritime Ports – Impacts from Road Haulage Truck Emissions. The International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention, Vol. 01, Issue 04, October 2015, P.7

Gohoho, E. S. (2015) Modeling and forecasting the capsized market spot fright rate. Regional Maritime University Journal, Vol. 4/2015, p. 35


Addy-Lamptey, A. (2015). Design considerations of subsea cooling spool. Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, Volume .6, No.1, p. 63

Monono, E. (2013). Slow steaming application for a 50,000dwt product tanker: Trade-off between optimal speed and freight rate. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 3/2013, p.37

Animah, I. (2013). The use of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in selecting a maintenance strategy for workshops: A case study of the regional maritime university (RMU) workshop. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 3/2013, p.20

Animah, I. (2012). Risk assessment and safety regulations in offshore oil and gas industry. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 2/2012, p.93

Animah, I. (2015). Design considerations of subsea cooling spool. Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, Volume .6, No.1, p. 63

Sedzro, D. (2013). Slow steaming application for a 50,000dwt product tanker: Trade-off between optimal speed and freight rate. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 3/2013, p.37

Akakpo, G. S. (2012). Social impact assessment of oil and gas exploration in western region of Ghana: A case study of Sekondi and Takoradi metropolis. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 2/2012, p.44

Akakpo, G. S. (2015). A mathematical model for analysis on ships collision avoidance. Regional Maritime University Journal, Vol. 4/2015, p. 61

Obeng, F. E. (2013). Finite element analysis of ship structural connections (Fracture of Ships). Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 3/2013, p.3

Anye, E. (2013). Slow steaming application for a 50,000dwt product tanker: Trade-off between optimal speed and freight rate. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 3/2013, p.37

Larkai, F. L. (2015). Factorial experiment for product quality improvement in Ghanaian manufacturing firm. Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 35, No. 2, p. 89

Wamba, L. (2013). Slow steaming application for a 50,000dwt product tanker: Trade-off between optimal speed and freight rate. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 3/2013, p.37


Dehlor, S. A. (2012). The causes and nature of forklift injury in Ghanaian port environment. Regional Maritime University Journal, Volume 2/2012, p.23

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